Best Wildlife Sanctuaries in Continental Asia

Continental Asian countries have many wonders hidden inside them, many related to wildlife and biodiversity, many connected with art forms, while others belong to the diverse food culture. It is surprising to visit the great amusements that the tropical sphere, specifically has to offer the tourists who are great admirers of nature. This is why a list of 6 wildlife sanctuaries has been given to make an enthralling experience.
Be cautious and empathetic towards the cultural sentiments that the locals attach to their animals and plants and also be thoughtful when approaching wild friends.
1. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand

Khao Sok is famous for its enlightened greenery and the ever-lasting rainforest realm. The steep cut-through valleys and high mountains bordering the Veridian waters are breathtaking views. Here, you will find the hub of biodiversity, housing the most exhaustive list of species – beautiful birds, magnificent mammals, and savage snakes, among others, that make the reserve much more fascinating.
2. Gir National Park, India

Gir was established to protect the magnanimous yet critically endangered Asiatic lions who were extensively hunted down for some time. The list of other species you would love to admire stretches long, wild boar, black buck, leopard, hyena, cobra, porcupine, nilgai, quails, etc., and a couple thousand others. It is only in this reserve where you will find Asiatic lions hence it is the park remains a distinguished one. So you can’t afford to miss this experience!
3. Jim Corbett National Park, India

Jim Corbett contains a marvelous group of bright-colored Bengal tigers, famous for their agility and threatening outlook. The specie is adorned well in the country and outside and forms the main attraction here. They are the biggest cat species. Bengal tigers are often called by the initial tag of ‘Royal’ because they were the favorite game of royalties for decades. Apart from the sharp tigers, the park also takes care of other endangered Asiatic species like gharials (much like crocodiles) and elephants.
4. Khao Yai National Park, Thailand

This one is a prominently exuberant terrain-blessed national park that not only captures glimpses of wildlife in its natural habitat but also relies on picturesque lakes, ponds, waterfalls, and flora! Expect sweet encounters with primates, reptiles, birdies, innocent herbivores, etc. who are interwoven with each other’s worlds so much that the reserve appears natural. Your kind interactions with them are sure to bind you in their love.
5. Naybandan Wildlife Sanctuary, Iran

Naybandan is a domicile to Iran’s pride, the Asiatic cheetahs that are attached to the local culture so intricately that nothing comes even close to their smolder. The beautiful big cats were trained to hunt gazelles earlier, thereafter they made their way up to the royalties’ delights. It is home to many other majestic animals like caracal, foxes, snakes, eagles, hyenas, and their many subspecies. Surely, the tourist will be overjoyed by such an abundant atmosphere!
6. Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan

One of the most significantly important national parks in the country with diverse topography like the Himalayan mountains, valleys, and waterfalls that nurtures the animal kingdom there. A beautiful aspect of this national park is that it has all national trees, flowers, and animal thriving. Not to forget the other lush Himalayan animals. All in all, Bhutan’s very essence can be soaked up well while you trek!
If you wish to have a close look at the Asian wildlife parade and its fascinating manners, if the rich milieu of flora excites you, then nothing beats a long enough trip to Tropical Asia because it houses the most promising varieties and boastful existences that you will ever see. The richly fertile basins of the area support exotic kinds from the animal kingdom. The enriching facades of nature await you in Asia, come make a trip!

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